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Disney Presents- Phineas and Ferb Best Live Tour Ever review

A few weeks ago I told you guys that we were going to be attending the Phineas and Ferb best live tour ever. Well the time has come, and on Sunday evening we attended the show. We had the best time,  the brightly colored costumes were great and set and props were amazing! It was literally like bringing the cartoon to the stage. The show started with trivia questions and some singing and dancing. They did a really great job of keeping the antsy kids entertained until the show started. As you know there are only 104 days of summer vacation, and the Phineas and Ferb and their friends  from the tri-state area were going to make the best of their last day of  summer! All the kids from the Tri-State area came together and made a mash-up of all of their ideas on what would make the BEST last day of summer. Let me tell you these were some AMAZING ideas! I don’t want to give too much away so here are some pictures to get your imagination going. Phineas and  Ferb was amazing it ran about 1.5 hours with an intermission about 45 minutes into the show. Which was GENIUS becasue all of the kids had to restroom!

You will see alot of singing and dancing, the show was really interactive, which kept the kids from getting board. We had an amazing time even my husband said, “That was a great show!”  My kids who have been to DISNEY WORLD said, ” You’re the best Mom EVER, thanks for taking me. I had a lot of FUN!!” I must be a great show for kids because I didn’t even get that reaction when we took them to Disney!!!

If you are wanting to take your kids to a high energy, interactive show this is the show for you! Go see Disney’s Phineas and Ferb The best Live show ever, you won’t be disappointed!!

To find out more about Disney’s Phineas and Ferb: The Best LIVE Tour Ever! and
to purchase tickets, visit http://disney.go.com/disneylive/phineas-and-ferb-on-tour/ or visit us on Facebook and

* I received these tickets free of charge in exchange  for my opinion of the show.
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