Timeout Tuesday: An online women's small group. -
Hey y’all! I’m sorry this post is going up so late, mama’s been watching Law and Order SVU. I know, I’m sorry, but it kinds draws you in and you can’t stop watching it. Anywho… A couple of weeks ago I posted on Keek and Instagram that I was thinking of starting an online small group for woman. Cool, right? Here’s what I’m thinking. I started a study called, Stress Point Thirving Through Your Twenties in a Decade of Drama. (Please don’t let the fact that is says twenties scare you away. I have read the first chapter which is all about Career. Let me just tell you as an almost 31 year old woman; I could most certainly relate.) Here are the details I’m thinking that I will take a group of 9 ladies for each series. At the beginning of the series I will pick the book, I will put out a call to join by writing a blog post and posting on my social media outlets. I will set a start date If you’re interested in joining you will email me with Online Small Group as the subject We will read one chapter a week, and on Sunday evening we can all meet via Google Hangout and discuss what we read, our feelings about it, what we have learned, and how we can use it in our lives. Doesn’t that sound fun? I think it’s a great way for you guys to get to know me, and a great way for me to get to know my readers. If you are interested in joining, there are now 7 spots available. {The cost is free; besides the cost of buying the book, which you will order on your own} If you would like to take part in this opportunity to worship with me and this small group please email I will email you a start date and the go ahead to order your book. Please DO NOT order your book until you get the confirmation that you are in this study, because I don’t want you to be stuck with a book if all the spots fill up. Thank you all for spending a little time with me today. I hope if The Lord has put this opportunity on your heart you will listen and join. Tawny Share the Love