
Skip the latte and try the new Skinny Cow Creamy Iced Coffee

Skinny Cow Iced Coffee

I’m a lover of coffee.  But… Honestly, I do feel guilty when I go to my local drive thru coffee shop.  I mean, the coffee is delicious, but I know they that PACKED with sugar…. And that’s not good for the waistline! Recently, my friends over at Skinny Cow asked me to try their new line of Skinny Cow Creamy Iced Coffee drinks to try, I said yes,  without hesitation.

A huge box of goodies showed up at my door from my friends at Skinny Cow and I don’t think I’ve ever been so excited!  Inside there were three flavors, Vanilla Latte, Creamy Cappuccino, and Mocha Latte along with some other Skinny Cow goodies!!

As a busy, working mom. I love that I can now take my iced coffee to go! It’s quite literally as simple as grabbing my favorite Skinny Cow Creamy Vanilla Latte out of the fridge, tossing it in my purse and running out the door! The vanilla latte is my favorite flavor! It’s delicious, thick, creamy, and it reminds me of my favorite iced coffee drink, but with only 120 calories!! Oh, and they have no artificial colors, flavors or sweeteners!

I no longer have to feel guilty about indulging in my favorite Iced Vanilla Latte with these Skinny Cow Creamy Iced Coffee drinks!

Good news, friends! The amazing people over at Skinny Cow sent me (5) coupons to give away to my readers! So, one lucky Glamorously Mommy reader will win all 5 coupons to try this new line of iced coffee’s!! All you have to do is follow me on Instagram and be sure to leave a comment below telling me your IG screen name. 

Good luck!



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